
Here are the pictures of my wonderful family as we go through this new process of trying to get back on our feet during a stressful and difficult time.

Meet Frosty. He is our fat chihuahua who barks at his own shadow and feels the need to follow me into the bathroom or sits outside the door and cries till I let him in.

Meet our rescue dog Chance. She was found in NC by my brother-in-law. She was nearly dead with her front paw caught in her collar. She was covered in ticks and fleas and probably would have died had the blue tick hound with her not gotten Tommy's attention. He bathed and fed her and cleaned off all the ticks. He was unable to keep her and asked us if we would be interested. One look was all it took and we were hers. Even though she has obviously been abused by certain reactions she has to men in baseball caps and fear of loud noises, she is loved and part of our family.

This is my husbands cat, Kiara. She was saved from the humane society. He had always wanted a cat and due to his first wife's allergies he was unable to have his kitty so we went one day and got her. She is so funny. She beats on the dogs when she feels they are too close or invading her space. She decides when she wants to be pet and if you try to love her when she is not in the mood she will let you know. She is queen of the house and she makes sure everyone knows.

This is my wonderful family. We are a blended family. We have 3 kids from my first marriage and 2 from his. We are lucky to have all of them with us and we look at them as "our" kids. We don't have stepkids, we just have kids. We are mom and dad to all 5 of them. The funny part is that we have 2 kids named Joshua. Both of our oldest, so we named them JR and JB to make it easier. They even have the same middle initial so this was the easiest solution. Then we have Patrick, Lauren and Adam. JR is the oldest and is currently an active duty airman in the U.S. Air Force. JB is a senior in high school and has signed his papers to join the U.S. Army when he graduates in June. Patrick is in 10th grade, Lauren is in 9th and Adam is in 8th.